Friday, April 29, 2011

APOD 4.5

The Antennae
April 29,2011

The main reason I chose this picture is because the picture is taken in the constellation of Corvus, the crow. This just so happens to be one of the constellations of the week. I also find it amazing how intricate space is. It is all random, but done in such precise ways. The photo is of two galaxies that have run into each other. The collision is speculated to have lasted millions of years maybe billions, but the central stars did not collide. The constellation of the crow has some interesting mythology behind it. One myth is about  Apollo, and how he fell in love with a beautiful maiden. Soon, the maiden fell in love with a mere mortal, and Apollo's birds, the ravens, spied on her. Apollo was so angry that he punished the crow, turning his feathers from white to black. When we do constellation quizzes, we are only able to touch the surface of each constellation. There is actually so much more that we could learn about each one, granted if we had the time and motivation.  : )

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