Friday, May 6, 2011

APOD 4.6

Jupiter's Great Red Spot from Voyager 1
May 2, 2011

I chose this picture because of the tremendous detail. The storm is about 3 times the size of  Earth! It's the largest storm known thus far. The colors are beautiful; mixes of reds, oranges, and whites. The detail from this photo is unbelievable! Voyager 1 isn't anything new. It's been around since the seventies, and it's still going. It's amazing that this little spacecraft is still going. It is now officially the furthest traveled space craft, at about 17 billion kilometers from the sun. Even though it's old, it still takes brilliant photos. The storm itself is also a cause of wonder. The temperature in the storm is about 3,000-4,000 degrees Kelvin! Jupiter is so far away from the sun and it can still reach these kinds of temperatures!!! WHOA! Also, the atmospheric pressure is about 1/5 than on earth in the storm. The storm has been on Jupiter for at least 181 years. It could have been there for 360 years though. The storm is crazy, and it's just a tiny blemish on a tiny planet in the humongous thing we call space.

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