Friday, April 22, 2011

APOD 4.4

April 17, 2011
View from Everest

This is an amazing picture. I would have never been able to know what the top of Mount Everest looks like without it. Only 1000 people have actually seen the top of the Mountain in person. The first successful mission was in 1953. The Mountain is located on the Nepal-Tibet boarder. It is approx. 5.5 miles high, and was created 60 million years ago. Many people have attempted to climb the mountain but never reached the top. The facts show that there are 120 corpses somewhere on the mountain. The causes of death are for various reasons like avalanches. The oldest person to climb Everest was 64 years old, while the youngest was 15. There was even a legally blind person that climbed the mountain. There is no way that I would ever had the strength to climb this beastly mountain, but it would be so cool to say that I have climbed the tallest mountain on the planet. The world is huge and behemoth in our eyes, but it is still only a little bitty speck in this big old world universe. 

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