Friday, April 8, 2011

APOD 4.1

Time Lapse Auroras Over Norway
March 28, 2011

I really liked this video for a simple reason. It's beautiful. I've never seen Aurore in my life, but I hope that one day I will be able to go to Alaska or some other place, and see these amazing phenomena. The movie showcases one of the largest Aurora displays in Norway. The video was made in Kirkenes, Norway. The magnetic fields of the earth and the process that happen on the sun, combine to form these extraordinary shows. The colors respond to the gases in the atmosphere. The most common being green, which represets Oxygen. However, sometimes other gases are seen and appear to be reds and blue colors. These are porbably caused by Nitrogen or other gases in the atmosphere. Even though Nitrogen is almost twice as more common in the air than that of Oxygen, the majority of the time, the aurora are green. The electrons in the atrmosphere get excited and when they fall back down to their original state, they release energy in the form of light. The best time to see these amazing features in when the sun is approaching solar maximum. This is when the sun will have the most activity. Activity on the sun = great aurore.

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