Friday, April 8, 2011

APOD 4.2

April 5, 2011
The Milky Way Over Tenerife

I chose this picture because it gives a good recap on all the constellations that we've learned thus far. I can't believe how many of the constellations I know! I was outside with my father walking the dog last night, and was able to tell him almost all the stars and constellations that I saw, give the fact that only 1 magnitude were out then. The beautiful band of jewel like sparkels are stars from the milky way. Probably not in Sarasota, but in other places the Milkyway is able to be seen without the use of a telescope. It must be very dark though. This picture was taken in the Canary Islands in Spain. The panorama view is spectacular. The photographer took 9 shots to compose this 360 view of the Milkyway. The sky is full of intersting and wonderful objects! It is amazing to see all of them.

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