Thursday, October 28, 2010

APOD 2.1

October 27, 2010
Ultraviolet Andromeda

I chose this picture because I think it's beautiful. It's cool to think that there are so many other galaxies like ours out in space. And to think that our galaxy is only one of hundreds of thousands of galaxies. The Andromeda galaxy lies approx. 2.5 million ly away but is the closest galaxy to ours! The Swift telescope has taken pictures of it in optical and UV wavelengths.  I love the UV picture because of the blue colors and because you can see the spirals of stellar dust and stars better. The pictures show that there are more then 20,000 stars surround the galaxy.   What if each of those has a "solar system" around it? It's just sad that the human race will probably never be able to find out what lies within the Andromeda Galaxy. There could be life. There could be water or another life form that is thinking about the our galaxy. Space is so vast and filled with things waiting to be discovered.

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