Friday, October 1, 2010

APOD 1.5

Arp 188 and the Tadpole's  Tidal Tail
Sept. 26 2010

The HUbble Telescope has reciently recieved new cameras. The new cameras are able to take ictures of thing never seen befoare. The camera can take pictures ranging from ultraviolet waves and infrared waves. The picture of this galaxy is amazing becuase of the lengthy tail trailing behind it. The tail was caused by an impact of another celestial body. In this case, scientist belive that the impact was created by yet another galaxy. The galaxy has blown by and now lies 300 thousand light years behind the Tadpole!! That emkans that the galaxy is now 300,000 * 6 trillion miles away!!! The fact that the galaxies can move so quickly amazes me. Also, the emornity of teh galaxies themselves is incredible. The tail alone is 280  thousand light years long! How is that even possible? The end of teh tail is held together by the gravity of the galaxy! The gravity of the galaxy can reach out to 280 thousand light years!! These galaxies are HUGE! And, if you look in the picture there are thousands more really really far away, that human kind will probably never even know about! Each of those tiny little dots is yet another huge galaxy that is waiting for man to discover. What lies in those untouched galaxies? Is there life else where that we have no idea baout? Will we ever get to know?

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