Friday, October 15, 2010

APOD 1.7

Globular Star Cluster NGC 6934
October 9, 2010

I really like this picture, which is why I chose it. The stars a brilliant array of blues and make the scene look very magical. I never knew that there could be so many stars concentrated in one place. The reason for the high concentration of the stars is caused by the gravitational pull toward the center of the stars. The stars are actually acting as satellites orbiting around a galactic core. Normally, the globular star clusters have stars that range in age. Different bands of the stars have been there longer then others. The stars pictured are actually older then the disk that they orbit.This globular star cluster has been known to man since 1785 founded by William Herschel. The cluster is found in Delphinus the Dolphin. Although the cluster lies 50,000 light years away :O the Hubble Telescope has no problem seeing it from it's Advanced Camera for Surveying. The picture spans 50 light years across! That means if something wee going at the speed of light (pretending that mankind can make something that actually travels that fast) it would still take 50 years to reach the destination! That's incredible!

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