Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Observation 10-5-10

My dad and I went to go walk the dog and see the Iridium flare tonight. We stood in our neighbor's driveway and looked up at about 8:03 pm. The scheduled time for the flare was at 8:05. While waiting I saw Jupiter about 30 degrees North and in the East direction. Jupiter continues to move south in the sky as the weeks pass by. I also found the Summer Triangle and was able to locate Vega and Altair. Right on schedule the Iridium satellite showed itself in the North sky almost 70 degrees North until I was able to see it. The flare couldn't have lasted for more then 10 seconds from the glance that I saw it at. It was pretty cool to see a satellite 300 miles above where I was though. :)

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