Sunday, November 7, 2010

APOD 2.2

Night Lights
November 4, 2010

The picture shown here is of the Earth itself, taken by the ISS. In the picture the southern Coast of the US shows lit highways and bustling cities such as New Orleans, Jackson, and Memphis. Even though the ISS is 220 miles above the Earth, there is no problem of seeing the blazing lights. The ISS is as long as a football field including the end zones. There is 8 miles of wires in the ISS that are used to control all of the electrical wiring. The inside that habitable is as large as a Boeing 747 aircraft. The entire ISS weighs almost 1 million pounds! 196 lucky individuals have visited the ISS, from 8 different countries. Each of the missions to were aimed to conduct research and add to the ISS. I think it's amazing that you can see what the human race has done form outer space, using a machine that the human race has made.

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