Friday, April 29, 2011

APOD 4.5

The Antennae
April 29,2011

The main reason I chose this picture is because the picture is taken in the constellation of Corvus, the crow. This just so happens to be one of the constellations of the week. I also find it amazing how intricate space is. It is all random, but done in such precise ways. The photo is of two galaxies that have run into each other. The collision is speculated to have lasted millions of years maybe billions, but the central stars did not collide. The constellation of the crow has some interesting mythology behind it. One myth is about  Apollo, and how he fell in love with a beautiful maiden. Soon, the maiden fell in love with a mere mortal, and Apollo's birds, the ravens, spied on her. Apollo was so angry that he punished the crow, turning his feathers from white to black. When we do constellation quizzes, we are only able to touch the surface of each constellation. There is actually so much more that we could learn about each one, granted if we had the time and motivation.  : )

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Zooniverse Week of 4-25-11

This week I tried something new. I participated in the planet hunters. This is when you are given the light curve of a star and are asked to classify whether or not there are transits. The transits would appears as dips in the light curve or abnormal drops in luminosity. I have found quite a few stars that might have planets around them, for they are Kepler Favorites for planets.

Zooniverse Week of 4-10-11

This week I also visited Zooniverse. I worked on the Hubble Project and the Galaxy Project. Some of the galaxies are very interesting. It's exciting when one of the photos they give you is of a beautiful spiral galaxy.

Friday, April 22, 2011

APOD 4.4

April 17, 2011
View from Everest

This is an amazing picture. I would have never been able to know what the top of Mount Everest looks like without it. Only 1000 people have actually seen the top of the Mountain in person. The first successful mission was in 1953. The Mountain is located on the Nepal-Tibet boarder. It is approx. 5.5 miles high, and was created 60 million years ago. Many people have attempted to climb the mountain but never reached the top. The facts show that there are 120 corpses somewhere on the mountain. The causes of death are for various reasons like avalanches. The oldest person to climb Everest was 64 years old, while the youngest was 15. There was even a legally blind person that climbed the mountain. There is no way that I would ever had the strength to climb this beastly mountain, but it would be so cool to say that I have climbed the tallest mountain on the planet. The world is huge and behemoth in our eyes, but it is still only a little bitty speck in this big old world universe. 

Friday, April 15, 2011

APOD 4.3

50 Years Ago Yuri's Planet
April 12, 2011

I chose this picture because I think the horizon of the Earth looks spectacular. The clarity and the color of the image add to the awe-inspiring picture. Space really looks like a giant black hole with nothing in it, when compared to the blue Earth. It's hard to believe that it has been 50 years since we've got a man in space; we've come so far. Yuri Gagarin was the first man to be in space, as he embarked from Russia. He orbitted the Earth once and then returned home. The sad thing is that he was killed in a flight practice when his plane crashed.  He was give the funeral rights of a hero, and his name will be forever remembered. Vostok-1 was the spacecraft that carried this man up 200 miles and then around the Earth. Twenty years later, the USA would be sending a space shuttle with a team of astronauts. The picture here is from the ISS in 2003. It is just beautiful. I wish that I could go up there for myself and see it.

Zooniverse Week of 4-15-10

This week I participated in the Hubble Zooniverse and the Galaxy Zoo. I found quite a number of interseting galaxies that I was asked to classify.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Observation 4-8-11

9:30 PM
At my friend's house in Sarasota

We were swimming in the pool when I looked up in the sky and saw the waxing crescent moon. The moon appeared to have an interesting halo. The halo wasn't round, but in the shape of a cross. I had never seen anything like this before. There were four points of light coming out from the top, the bottom, and both sides. I asked my friend if she saw it too, and she said yes so it wasn't just my eyes. I also made a point to identify all the constellations I could to her. She was impressed. : )

Observation 4-7-10

8:30 PM
Outside my house, on my street

My dad and I went to walk the dog, and I told him about how the moon should look differently. The orientation anyways. And what do you know, Mr.P was right. He told us in Star Lab that the orientation of the waxing moon would be different than normal. The moon now appears to be lying down, looking like a smile. Before, the moon would fill horizontally, now it's vertically. I also pointed out Sirius, Orion, Columba, Lepus, Gemini, Taurus, Pleadies, and more. He was thoroughly impressed.

Friday, April 8, 2011

APOD 4.1

Time Lapse Auroras Over Norway
March 28, 2011

I really liked this video for a simple reason. It's beautiful. I've never seen Aurore in my life, but I hope that one day I will be able to go to Alaska or some other place, and see these amazing phenomena. The movie showcases one of the largest Aurora displays in Norway. The video was made in Kirkenes, Norway. The magnetic fields of the earth and the process that happen on the sun, combine to form these extraordinary shows. The colors respond to the gases in the atmosphere. The most common being green, which represets Oxygen. However, sometimes other gases are seen and appear to be reds and blue colors. These are porbably caused by Nitrogen or other gases in the atmosphere. Even though Nitrogen is almost twice as more common in the air than that of Oxygen, the majority of the time, the aurora are green. The electrons in the atrmosphere get excited and when they fall back down to their original state, they release energy in the form of light. The best time to see these amazing features in when the sun is approaching solar maximum. This is when the sun will have the most activity. Activity on the sun = great aurore.

APOD 4.2

April 5, 2011
The Milky Way Over Tenerife

I chose this picture because it gives a good recap on all the constellations that we've learned thus far. I can't believe how many of the constellations I know! I was outside with my father walking the dog last night, and was able to tell him almost all the stars and constellations that I saw, give the fact that only 1 magnitude were out then. The beautiful band of jewel like sparkels are stars from the milky way. Probably not in Sarasota, but in other places the Milkyway is able to be seen without the use of a telescope. It must be very dark though. This picture was taken in the Canary Islands in Spain. The panorama view is spectacular. The photographer took 9 shots to compose this 360 view of the Milkyway. The sky is full of intersting and wonderful objects! It is amazing to see all of them.