Friday, May 20, 2011

APOD 4.8

The Last Launch of Space Shuttle Endeavour
May 18, 2011

I chose this picture because I've always wanted to go to a space shuttle launch and I only have one more chance to do so. The rocket is so powerful that it shakes the earth. Space Shuttle Endeavour is going to be retired after it's touchdown to Earth. Endeavour was named after a ship in the 1600's that sailed to the southern hemisphere in order to view Venus. After being postponed many times, the shuttle took off successfully, with Mr.P watching.The crew consists of 6 members. The commander of which is the husband of Congresswoman Kelly. The crew ventured off for a 14 day trip to the International Space Station in order to install the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer. The spectrometer will hopefully be used to better learn the origin of the universe through the research of particle physics. The spectrometer will hopefully increase our understanding of dark matter, antimatter, and strangelets. Dark matter is a tricky thing to define, but a general idea of it is that it is matter that was created when the universe was just seconds old. The matter has no protons or electrons. Antimatter, on the other hand, is basically made of protons and electrons, just the opposite charges. A positron is a positive electron. Strangelets are really complicated, but some scientists think that elemental isotopes might form in heavier nuggets, thus creating strangelets. There is only one more shuttle launch left scheduled for July 8. I really hope that I can go, but if not, then I'll just have to make something to send up there. :)

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