Thursday, March 24, 2011

APOD 3.8

Boston Moonrise
March 24, 2011

This picture is so amazing! I love the way that the moon was able to be caught just as it arose over the Boston city line. The moon appears to be so large because it was at the perigee or the closest point around the Earth. The farthest point, or apogee, has a luminosity 14% less then at this phase, and a 30% smaller appearance.  Although the moon appears to not be perfectly round, it's just the atmosphere messing with you. The moon actually is round, but the dust particles from the earth mess up the picture. This is the same reason why stars appear to twinkle. The moon also appears to be red because of the scattering of light caused by the sun. I didn't get a chance to see the moon a this point, but next year on May 6 the moon will be at the perigee, and resemble how it did this year.

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