Friday, March 4, 2011

APOD 3.6

Discovery Visitis the Space Station
March 1, 2011

I really like this picture because it shows how far we've come as a a nation, sending astronauts into space to further our knowledge of the unkown. I think that it would be so cool to be able to go into space and look back at the place that 6 billion people call home. Space Shuttle Discovery was launched February 24 at about 4:50 PM. I was unable to see the shuttle launch, but I have a friend that went to see it. He said it was amazing. The space shuttle has flown numerous missions since its fabrication in 1984. After this flight though, the shuttle will most likely be retired. The crew consists of 6 members, 1 being a female. Their expedition is projected to last until March 7, 2011. On board is the Japanese Kibo. It will help in research and is the first Japanese space facility. I really like the picture as well. The picture of Earth in the upper part of the picture looks like it's glowing. The background of the picture shows complete darkness. The stars really are there, it's just that they are really faint, so they cannot be seen. On the other hand, this darkness can also be thought of as what we do not know about space. As far as we've come, there is still so much more to learn and to discover about space.

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