Sunday, November 14, 2010

APOD 2.3

November 11, 2010
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I chose this picture because it shows the same things from totally different places. As big as our world may seem, it's so tiny compared to space. Venus is now a morning object and when the moon is waning, it can be seen during the morning. Venus and the Moon are within 1 degree and both are in their present phases. I really like both pictures because they have different things to offer. For example, the picture on the left is taken in Italy above the clouds. I gives good perspective on how high up the camera was to take this picture. It's also really cool to see how close the two objects are. The other picture shows the Moon and Venus rising over the mountains is Iran. In the picture you can really get a good look at the phase that Venus is in. It's astounding how far the human race has come from the early times when Galileo first say the moons of Jupiter and the phases of Venus.

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