Friday, September 24, 2010

APOD 1.4

Aurora Over Norway September 20, 2010

The lights over this small town in Norway are beautiful. Auroras are caused by the electromagnetic field around Earth. When electrons are are concentrated at the poles of the Earth, auroras are created. It is almost like a neon light. The electrons are shot through the atmosphere , instead of a tube, hitting the gas particle in the atmosphere, and get excited which makes them jump up to their next orbital, releasing energy on their fall back down to their original orbital. The colors are amazing and can vary. Green, blue, purple, pink... you name it. Auroras are only able to be seen in the Arctic Circle, and Antarctic Circle. The trip there is probably worth it. It would be so cool if Auroras were able to be seen from Florida. But they can't. One day I want to go and see the Auroras in Alaska. They are jaw-dropping.

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