Friday, September 10, 2010

APOD 1.2

A Laser Stike at the Galactic Center- September 6, 2010

The picture was taken in Chile at the sight of the Very Large Telescopes (nice name). Three giant telescopes stand side by side as they watch the heavens, each spanning a huge 8.2 meters in diameter. The VLTs use laser to obstruct the Earth's atmosphere in order to obtain a better and clearer picture of Space. Using the this telescope can help the photo being taken because of the deformed mirror within. Normally, incoming waves are distorted, thus ruining or blurring the photo being taken. When the telescope comes to play, the mirror refracts corrected waves making the image much more clear. The laser is made to escite the left over sodium ions in the sky. Scientist are believed to have there from left over meteors. The laser, being the right color to excite these ions, can create an artificial star used for the distorted mirror. This is a brilliant way of thinking to get the outcome that we want. Creating the laser has helped to produce clear pictures so that we may know what else is located in space. The laser's light is not nearly as powerful as the sun but is still enough to get the job done. With the laser, scientist have been able to see what looks to be a black hole in the center of the galaxy. Whether this is true or not if left to other observations. Hopefully the Earth will never be sucked into such a thing! :)

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