Friday, September 3, 2010

APOD 1.1 Pelican Nebula Close-Up

Space is such an interesting and beautiful subject. 
While looking at the nebula, it’s impossible to understand how awesome 
and huge space is. My mind has a hard time grappling with the fact 
that the picture that I am looking at is nebula 2,000 light-years 
away! That’s 2,000 x 6 trillion miles! Nebulas are truly amazing 
things to look at. With the spectacular colors and gazillions of 
stars, nebulas are on of my favorite things to look at. I love 
flipping through the pictures on the Hubble Telescope page. Everything 
in the nebula has its place, the jets coming out if the tendril of 
the nebula, the shape of the pelican, and all the different stars. 
It is just jaw dropping to think that these massive things exist 
all the time, even though we can’t see it, 12,000 trillion miles away. 

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