Friday, February 4, 2011

APOD 3.3

Six Worlds For Kelper-11
February 3, 2011

This diagram represents the newly found "solar system" by the Kepler space craft. The star in the center is much like our own Sun, but the orbits aorund it are far less in size. Most of the orbits by the exoplanets are within teh orbit of Mercury. There is probably little chance for life there since the temperatures are so extreme. The new planets are in the constellation Cygnus, 2000 light years away. Three planets were transitting the newly found planetary system at the same time! This has never before been discovered. In the 1/400th section of the sky that the Kepler space craft was looking at, it happened to find the new "solar system." This means that there are probably millions of other planets orbitting around the stars that surround our Solar System. NASA has announced that they ahve found at least 50 planets that lie in the habitable zone. These planets range form Earth sized planets to Jupiter sized planets. We've still got a long way to go until we have studied and searched our galaxy through to see if there are anymore planets that are habitable to life. Also, once we're done with our galaxy, what's next? Should we star on the next?

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