Friday, January 21, 2011

APOD 3.1

A Total Eclipse at the End of the World

I chose this picture because I love how the view looks. and how passionate some people are about astronomy. The picture is amazing. The way that the photographer was able to piece together photos in order to see the corona is really cool. Also, the the moon is perfectly in line with the sun and blocks out the transition and photoshpere regions of the sun, leaving behind the breath-takingly beautiful image of the corona. I also think the fact that people, who don't normally live there, ventured down to ANTARICA to see a total solar eclipse is awesome. I was reading the blog of one of the people that went down there, and they said it was worth it. Even though they had to eat cold and tasteless food, the view was perfect and it was magnificent. I know that the scene looks amazing but I'm not sure that I would go all the way down there to see one. Maybe I will one day..... Any who, I really hope to see a total solar eclipse. I think that one is coming up in a few years. I would really like to visit Tenn. and see it. Space acts in marvelous and mysterious ways, that sometimes just need to be experienced.

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