Friday, January 14, 2011

APOD 2.8

January 11, 2011
The Cosmic Web of the Tarantula Nebula

At first I picked this picture because I thought it was cool to look at. Then when I started to read into the information on the page, it was really interesting. The Tarantula Nebula as formed from the explosion of the Supernova next door. The star exploded and formed part of the Magellanic Cloud. The Tarantula Nebula was caused because the explosion was so huge. The supernova was a gigantic star that lived very quickly (for a star)and then decided to blow up. The result being a fantastic and beautiful nebula. The cloud is a whopping 1,000 light years across. The APOD website informs it's readers that if this cloud were to be placed at the distance of the Orion Nebula, it would span the distance of 60 full moons in the sky!

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