Saturday, December 11, 2010

APOD 2.6

December 11, 2010
Meteor in the Desert

This picture is really cool! The meteor is huge and the tail looks so magical. This meteor is the pre-show for the Geminid meteor show coming up on December 13/14. The meteor exploded and formed a fireball that blazed across the sky. The meteor show is predicted to have 50-60 meteors per hour and even up to 120 in one hour! The meteor show is named the Gemini show because of the place in the sky where the meteors seem to be coming from, in this case, the constellation Gemini. The meteor show will be visible to those in the northern hemisphere and boy will they have a show to watch! A common way to point out meteors is to compare them to the big and small dippers, since they both happen to be in the sky. I can't wait until that night to see how many meteors I can pick out!

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