Saturday, December 4, 2010

APOD 2.5

November 30, 2010
A Super-cell Thundercloud over Montana

This picture is unbelievable! The cloud is gigantic and looks exactly like an alien spaceship. The storm looks as though it would destroy everything in it's path, but ended up not doing any damage, and left after a few hours. A super-cell has characteristic swirling upward winds called mesocyclones. The wind spinning on a horizontal axis is mixed with wind flowing horizontally produces an air shaft that shoots upward and causes the swirling winds that rip up anything in their path. The super-cell creates tornadoes and influences the climate in towns and cities within a 20 mile radius! Even if the storm is not yet upon where you are, if it's within 20 miles, you're going to feel it! This would be the of the scariest things to look out the window and see, except maybe maybe someone running down the street naked.

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