Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Observation 12-21-10 Part 2

2:43 AM

This morning was the Lunar Eclipse. I went and stood in my drive way and looked up. The moon was just about overhead around 85 degrees or so. The moon was orange almost red toward one side, but still very white on the other. I think that this is because Earth's shadow hadn't covered the entire surface of the moon. It was really cool and I had never seen anything like it before. The sky was so clear that you could easily see thousands of stars, plus there was barely any light pollution.

Observation 12-20-10 Part 1

10:00 PM

I recieved a telescope for Christmas and wanted to try it out. It is a Meade Newtonian Telescope. I decided to use the 10mm eyepiece and look up at the moon. The mon was in the full phase, so all the craters and gorges were clearly visible. The moon was really bright so it wa hard to look at for a long time, ecspecially becuase of the telescope. The moon was about 50 degrees high and in the Northeast. It was a clear night and I was in my drive way.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Observation 12-11-10

9:30 PM

I was walking the dog with my dad and looked up. I saw the moon, which is in the waxing crescent phase. It was about 30 degrees up in the southwest. Jupiter was really bright and was slightly towards the south about 12 degrees from the Moon. I also saw Orion's Belt as well as Rigel and Betelgeuse. The horse head nebula was faintly visible too. Might have seen the Pleiades.

APOD 2.6

December 11, 2010
Meteor in the Desert

This picture is really cool! The meteor is huge and the tail looks so magical. This meteor is the pre-show for the Geminid meteor show coming up on December 13/14. The meteor exploded and formed a fireball that blazed across the sky. The meteor show is predicted to have 50-60 meteors per hour and even up to 120 in one hour! The meteor show is named the Gemini show because of the place in the sky where the meteors seem to be coming from, in this case, the constellation Gemini. The meteor show will be visible to those in the northern hemisphere and boy will they have a show to watch! A common way to point out meteors is to compare them to the big and small dippers, since they both happen to be in the sky. I can't wait until that night to see how many meteors I can pick out!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Observation 12-4-10

9:45 PM
In my driveway

Jupiter was clearly seen, very bright in the SW. Probably 48 degrees or so high. Then in the east, almost due east, was Orion. The constellation was very easy to spot and pick out. Could even see the faint nebula M43. The weather was really clear so all the stars were really bright. Moon is new so there was no light whatsoever from the moon. Perfect day to observe.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

APOD 2.5

November 30, 2010
A Super-cell Thundercloud over Montana

This picture is unbelievable! The cloud is gigantic and looks exactly like an alien spaceship. The storm looks as though it would destroy everything in it's path, but ended up not doing any damage, and left after a few hours. A super-cell has characteristic swirling upward winds called mesocyclones. The wind spinning on a horizontal axis is mixed with wind flowing horizontally produces an air shaft that shoots upward and causes the swirling winds that rip up anything in their path. The super-cell creates tornadoes and influences the climate in towns and cities within a 20 mile radius! Even if the storm is not yet upon where you are, if it's within 20 miles, you're going to feel it! This would be the of the scariest things to look out the window and see, except maybe maybe someone running down the street naked.